Monday 26 August 2013


Hello Classmates, I have uploaded 8 photos of different human behaviours...
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4th lecture of the BCL

This was the 4th lecture of the BCL session just want to give a brief idea about how the lecture was conducted by Prof. Jayashree Vispute. As soon as Madam entered the Classroom she announced that the elected CR’S should give their speech in front of the whole class and everyone were very excited about how will it go, but the bad part was they had to give the speech from the Podium. To give a speech from the podium is a difficult task, but still it had a reason behind it.
First to come was Purti, she started well but as she went on further her confidence began to shrink and she became nervous, but in all, her speech was good because she had corrected her error which she made in the earlier class.
After she had done with it, class started pouncing on her and started to ask her questions which were very difficult to answer. Hats off to her she handle it very calmly. Next was Natraj, he opened saying that “We are a Family” And that was a good start and later he thanked everyone for selecting him as a CR. Natraj was confident enough about the speech but it could have been more better for him if he had prepared and speech and then would have delivered it. The best thing about Natraj is that he does what he says.
The main objective behind this speech was to make the CR’S confident which will help them in future as they are the ones to represent the Whole class.
Coming to the middle of the session, Madam broadcasted a video about Steve Jobs, Oh you all must be aware of him, one of the most successful individual on this Planet. (Talking about the Video) As soon he came on the stage everyone started to clap but when he started speaking every word made it count.
First of all he thanked the person who donated him his organ to keep him alive and he also recommended that every individual should donate some organ to the needy person.
After that he thanked Tim Cook and all the Board of Directors and People related to the organization.
We learnt a lot from Steve Jobs as he was so calm to deliver his speech. The rate of speech was perfect, his body language, Eye contact was awesome. The attire which he had worn was so simple and up to the mark.
The last part of the session: Madam divided 2 teams the first was Viplav’s team the other was Anosh’s team. Madam distributed the students equally and told the task to be performed by both the teams. This task is to be performed on Thursday i.e. 29thAugust 2013.
This was the brief idea about the 4th BCL session.

Thank you.
Report By:  Anosh.